Monday, July 7, 2014

My Workout Woes

Let me start out by saying that I am not writing this post to throw my own pity party for anyone else to attend. It's just for me to attend. And I'm completely fine with that, but if I write this post, I may get myself a little more motivated.

With this pregnancy I gained the least amount of weight thanks to my gestational diabetes. However, I did get ridiculously out of shape thanks to my lovely bed rest for over 6 months. Needless to say, my body needs a buttload of   some time and attention.

I follow all these super cute fit moms on their Instagram. They ALL seem like they have way more babies than I have and they manage to workout just fine. Eat just fine. Sleep just fine. But my working out, eating, and sleeping is not just fine. (Well, my sleeping is fine, thanks to Babywise.)

I know that I'm being silly. I just need to be thankful that I have a beautiful baby girl to add to my cute other two babies. I need to not worry about how I look but just enjoy my family. But I've had some funny experiences that I want to remember in years to come.

1. Bikini Bootcamp - Working out at home with both my big babies at my side, as I'm trying to get them to see the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, and Jack turns to me and says, "Mom, you're terrible at this. Like really bad, but I still love you so much." Then Afton adds, "It's okay Mom, you'll get it eventually. Just keep practicing. You'll get the moves one day, (as she watches me closely and whispers to herself) maybe." The whole time Jocelyn is in her swing smiling at me, laughing and mocking me as well.

2. Beginners Yoga - Once again at home, but this time my babies are preoccupied. I begin this 24 minute workout with high hopes. My hopes were soon soiled. Pause #1 Jocelyn, who never pooped, had a huge blowout. Push play and begin again. Pause #2 Then Jack calls from upstairs, "All DONE!"  Push play and begin again. Pause #3 Jocelyn goes for blowout of the year this time and smiles the entire time. Pause #4 Afton takes care of her own bathroom situation, but freaks out because she thinks she got some on her hand. Overall in my 24 minutes of yoga, I had 6 minute workouts interrupted by feces.

3. Treadmill at REC Center - I have to time this just right in order to be able to actually get to workout. Morning schedule: Feed Jocelyn at 6:30. Get big babies feed, dressed, hair combed, and ready for preschool & me dressed by 8. Water bottles and snacks packed for the day. Get babies to preschool by 8:20, allowing Jocelyn to fall asleep in car seat so I can work out. Give kisses and hugs. This is usually easily accomplished. But one day, I kissed my Jack Boy and told him to have a good day and sent him on his way into the classroom. I then turned to Afton to do the same. As I was, I didn't see Jack sneak out. He decided that he needed to give Jocelyn a kiss goodbye too. He did, and then whispered "I LOVE you" in her ear. Sweet, I know, but unfortunately as he was getting up, his hand slipped off the car seat and he lost his balance. He almost headbutted his baby sister, but instead he just yelled, "Aaaaaah crap." Yep you guessed it. He woke her up. Therefore, my work out for the day was ruined. 

This was good day! 
I got to run walk quickly for 40 minutes, work on my arms and legs, and actually break a sweat!

It's not fair. When I had Afton, I was able to bounce back with no wear and tear. Is this because I was younger? Whatever. I don't care. I just want it to happen again.

When I had Jack, I had to try a little because I was on bed rest with him for 3 months. But my going back to work so quickly and forgetting to eat meals because I was lesson planning or pumping, helped me lose the weight. 

Now with this sweet baby. What the crap? I have to watch what I eat. Work out. Do cardio and weight training. Talk myself out of having a 3rd Dr. Pepper by 11 am because it brings me joy on days when all three of my babies are driving me bananas. I have to use apps like My Fitness Pal and Map My Run to keep me motivated, only to be ruined late at night when I eat a sweet treat just because I can without my babies trying to steal it from me! I have to pin all kinds of "Clean Eating" recipes on my Pinterest to help me think of healthy meals only to be followed by three pins of yummy cupcakes, cookies, or brownie recipes with chocolate, peanut butter or caramel to help me stay on track. I have to buy cute workout clothes to distract me while looking in the mirror as I run and see so much jiggle and wiggle in places that should not jiggle or wiggle, EVER!

I just have to work hard. Plain and simple. Argh, my workout woes. 


  1. Your post is hilarious. Just keep trying and it will all "work out" and fall off your body one pound at a time.

    1. Maybe one day I could actually keep up with you running! HA. Yeah right!!!!!!!!
