Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kindergarten Graduation is a BIG DEAL!

This post should have been written over a year ago, but I needed some time to relax. 

Everyday during drop off and pick up there was an OBNOXIOUS 4 ft. tall woman who would somehow manage to screw me over in the place I was wanting to park. If I left 3 minutes early, she showed up at the same time as me. If I left the house late, she was right there swooping in front, blocking traffic, or waving her arms out the window yelling & swearing at other parents who got in the way of her GIANT DODGE DIESEL TRUCK, which was often me, even though I did nothing wrong! (I know you're thinking I am being sarcastic here, but I am not.)

Anyhow, I always tried really hard to not react because my babies were in the car with me and I for some odd reason was trying to set an example of patience and love. But honestly, I just wanted to stab the woman. Daily.

On the day of Afton's graduation, I managed to get a good spot parking without any sight of this woman. Phew. Dodged a bullet. I was able to grab a seat in the front row so I could see my baby girl up close, walk across that stage and get her little Kindergarten diploma. It's a way big deal so stop mocking me!

She sang. She danced. She was great and yes, I teared up. After a few songs, it was my girl's class that was up to officially walk across the stage. 
I was ready with my camera, not to miss any second of it. 

I had the perfect spot too, so what could go wrong? 

Oh, well. Let me tell you. 

Just as my girl's name was called, the 4 ft. tall woman walked across the front of the cafeteria, right by the stage with her screaming baby, instead of walking to the back of the cafeteria, like a reasonable person would do. So my filming consisted of this woman, her screaming baby, and my baby girl, in the background, walking across the stage without any good pictures. I ALMOST ATTACKED THIS WOMAN after the ceremony! These pictures are from a good friend who happened to just snap a few pictures for me, completely saving the day, and this other woman's life quite possibly. :) 

The picture I wanted most of all was the one when Afton shook hands with the amazing Ms. Higley and was handed her diploma. I missed that shot. UGH!

In hindsight, I guess it doesn't matter that much. And can you imagine if I had written this post back when it was still current. Can you imagine the rage I would have shared with you in this post? 
Good thing I have calmed down. HA!!!!!!! 

Here are just some fun pics from her kindergarten journey!

Her boys! (Drake, in between her and Jack, was smitten with my baby girl, and she may have had a slight crush on him at times too.)

She got a candy for helping out in class and answering some questions right. 

Ms. Higley's birthday - Afton insisted we take something.

She made bracelets and necklaces for all of her classmates because she want to "Be Kind..."

Picture day outfit

Trunk or Treat at school

Perfect Report card!

AHHHH. She looks so old!

Field Day

SBAC Dress UP days

Her girls - Kennie & Zoe

The day she got her big toe slammed in the door, her classmates fought over who got to push Afton around on the amazing teacher wheely chair. "I felt like a queen Mommy."

She had a great year! 

But really, Afton could not have been more blessed to have this amazing lady as her teacher. We were very lucky and I will always have a special place in my heart for Ms. Higley. I know Afton will too. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Just Keep Swimming

Yesterday, I swear I could have checked myself into an insane asylum because my kids had pushed my every nerve. EVERY last NERVE!

But last night, after we had said prayers, I sang to all my babies, and I tucked them into their beds, we each had a little chat. We talked about how tomorrow is a new day, with a fresh start. We talked about how we need to help each other instead of making things more challenging, (because we all miss Daddy.) We talked about how the choices we make, affect not just ourselves, but those around us. But most importantly, I talked about my love for each of them. That love will never fade even though I may want to rip my eyebrows out. I kissed them goodnight and contemplated my own behaviors, and what I needed to do differently as well.

Our little chats worked.

Today, was a great day. I hope tomorrow will be as well, but I know it won't last forever. We all have bad days sometimes, and that's okay.

The important thing to remember is to just keep swimming.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

"Donuts always help."

As we drove away from the airport this morning, Jocelyn cried loudly. Jack silently sobbed. Afton stared out the window, deep in thought. I wiped my tears, took a deep breath and said a prayer.

In my rear view mirror I see Jack wipe his tears and then say, "Mom, donuts always help. Can we please have donuts?" Jocelyn began screaming, "Donuts mommy please. Donuts. Donuts. DOOONNNUUUTTSSS!" Afton softly added, "Please mom."

"I got daddy's favorite. Apple fritters are pretty good."

Afton disappeared for a few minutes this morning and she came down with this. 
She loves her Daddy very much! We all do.