Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Chosen Generation

It's freaking hard. It's the hardest thing I have ever done and will continue to be until, well, forever. It's hard becoming/being a parent. I've always been a very anxious person my whole life, but my paranoia has now tripled from it's original state. My daily worries include the consequences and outcomes of every choice I make and will ever make and just how exactly it will affect my children. I will have this worry for the rest of, well, forever; it is daunting. The older my babies get, the more terrified I am. My sugar on the other hand, handles parenthood like a champ.

I remember when I was a Mia Maid in Young Womens, one of my teachers, Sister Ostler said something that I'll never forget. In her lesson she talked about how we (the youth) were saved for this time to come to this Earth. That we were special and here at this time for a reason.

 'Ye are a chosen generation.' How very true that is. Notwithstanding all of the problems that we have, this, I believe, is the greatest age in the history of the world. And you young people of this generation are a part of it. You are the beneficiaries of it. Its fruits are here to bless your lives if you will grasp them and live worthy of them... Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it. I hope you will never take it for granted. I hope there will grow in your hearts an overpowering sense of gratitude to God, who has made it possible for you to come upon the earth in this marvelous season of the world's history." 

President Gordon B. Hinckley, "A Chosen Generation," Ensign, May 1992, p. 70


"You have been born at this time for a sacred and glorious purpose. It is not by chance that you have been reserved to come to earth in this last dispensation of the fullness of times at this particular time your birth was foreordained in the eternities. You are to be 'the royal army of the Lord in the last days.' You are youth of the noble birthright. In the spiritual battles you are waging, I see you as today's sons of Helaman."

President Ezra Taft Benson, "To the Youth of the Noble Birthright,'" Ensign, May 1986, p. 43

That stuck with me because I remember thinking about what will happen when I am a mother and my children are sent to this Earth? Will I be able to help lead them and guide them to understand the importance of their existence on this Earth? Will I be a strong example of what to do... or what not to do? Will I be able to live up to the ultimate challenge of love and trust my Heavenly Father has placed upon me by allowing me to be their mother? AHHHHHHH! Do you see? I have been anxious about being a parent since I was a Mia Maid - a freaking Mia Maid.

A few weeks ago, I was worrying again while in conversation with a few friends from church at a Relief Society activity. Seeking advice and guidance, I asked "What do I do to ENSURE that my babies will be able to handle the struggles of this day?"  This was sparked by my tough day of dealing with my wild and rambunctious babies! They all had great advice. I listened wholeheartedly, but still was worried when they confirmed my own knowledge that there is nothing we can do exactly to ENSURE that they will be okay. Our children have their own agency just like I do. They will be able to make their own choices and will have their own lives to lead, be it one with good outcomes or not so good outcomes. See why I am anxious?

Last Sunday, one of those sweet friends, Erin Cranor, passed a special present along to my Sugar, and told him that it was for our family to use. That special present was a Book of Mormon. In that Book of Mormon, the mom of that family, Erin Cranor, shared her ideas with the mom of our family (me), a way to help my babies be ready as this "Chosen Generation."

The Cranor family had gone through and selected "the most exciting" parts of the Book of Mormon. They highlighted the sections that would be great for us to read as a family with little kids. The kids were so excited, and my sugar and I were just as excited. We have been reading the illustrated Scripture Stories every night (well almost every night), but they were so excited to finally read form the "Big" Book of Mormon.
Jack was sad that Daddy was not home yet for reading.
*Yes, it is July and Jack is wearing his Christmas jammies. Not sure why, but I love him.

I am thankful for this "Big" book. I am thankful for my testimony. I am thankful for my knowledge that my Savior loves me and died for me. I am thankful to be married in the temple to this man. I am thankful that all of my babies are sealed to my sugar and me for time and all eternity. I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Scriptures in hand
Sad that he had to turn in his borrowed scriptures back to the library since he forgot his at home this week.

These babies are so special and truly part of a "Chosen Generation." The world sucks. Life is hard. Way harder then when I was a Mia Maid. But, I will use the lessons found in this Book of Mormon and all of the scriptures, to help me raise our babies to live up to the demands of being in this "Chosen Generation."

With this book, I know that I am still paranoid and anxious, but a little less. 
I can't imagine my life if I didn't have this knowledge in my life. 
I love Sundays and I love this "Big" Book of Mormon.

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