Thursday, July 10, 2014

"It Never Rains in Southern California"

I know. I know. We don't live in Southern California. I am quite aware of where we reside. The land of NO RAIN. We live in Las Vegas but  the words of that Tony! Toni! Tone! song came to my mind this morning.

As the sky was dark and luminous this morning Jack asked, "Is Thor coming Mommy? It looks like rain so he must be coming soon. I just wish it would rain." It made me think of another song by The Temptations.
I began to sing it out loud in my perfect singing voice. Uh yeah right, there is nothing perfect about by my singing, but he liked hearing the song as he stared out the window wishing.

Then his wishes came true. He screamed for me to open the back door. I did, and Afton, who appeared out of nowhere, began to push me out of the way so she could be in the rain as soon as possible. She was thrilled that she would be able to practice the song and dance she had been working on up in her room outside. It made me think of another song.

As she was singing her song, Jack was screaming, "Mom, the raindrops are getting in my mouth. They're dripping in my eyes. They're falling on my head." Yep, you guessed it. 

Afton quickly ran inside to change to be "better suited for the rain" she explained. OK sure. I went along with it. Out she came in her swimming suit and Jack took off his shirt ready to really enjoy the rain. She says to Jack, "I hope the rain will never stop." This song came to my mind but I couldn't remember who sang it. My husband is probably very ashamed by my admitting that.

Then it stopped. They were sad. But, they continued to jump, flip and be crazy on the trampoline, with me terrified the whole time, because I HATE this stupid trampoline. Then all of a sudden, a few drops fell. A simple light sprinkle made them so elated. Within seconds, it was POURING! "Yay! It's raining again!"

Jack knows that my favorite weather is rain. He kept telling me to come out into it and play in it. I was under our porch keeping the baby dry. He insisted. "Just come on mom. It will make you happy. The baby will love it too."
She did. I just couldn't get a picture of it. 

Then things got interesting. Real interesting. Somehow my songs of rain quickly turned to something else. 

We love the rain!

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