Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Peace Out 2nd Year

So, I am still 2 years old today. But it's officially my last day as a 2 year old.

My mom is all sad because you know, "Your my baby girl. I want you to be my baby forever, blah blah, blah." But she just doesn't seem to comprehend what I am going to be able to do as I get bigger each year. It's not like she doesn't have 2 other kids that could have prepared her for this.
Oh wait, she does.

What duh heck is wrong with her?

Listen, don't get me wrong. When I was 2 I had some great times. Some things that I will always be proud of when I look back, reflect, and ponder about my amazing life.

Like, how I learned to perfect the "Strike-a-Pose" look from my big sister, Afton.
I know just where to put my hands on my hips.
She's a really good teacher.
Jack taught me the tongue thing. It drives my mom crazy, so we do it all the time.
Don't tell her I told you that.

Oh yeah this too.
I got really good at taking the "Jump" picture that my big cousin Tanner always seems to do on his Instagram account. He is crazy though. He likes to jump off buses and mountains and stuff.

Wait, maybe I can do that when I am three... Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

I got really good at dance. I like to twirl, shake my hips, and "do dis like Ms. Sydney teached me."

I learned this one too. Afton calls it the "Look Over the Shoulder" pose.
I just feel like Batman when my Daddy has me fly high in the sky.
My Daddy loves me a whole bunch.
I love that dude, too. Like a lot.

Man did I learn a lot this year as a 2 year old. My colors, my shapes, how to spell my own name, some of my letters, but none of my numbers (those are hard). Oh well, I can count to 20 like nobody's business. Did I tell you I can use scissors and glue for just about anything too?

You want me to spell my name for you? Ok...
 J - O - C - E - L - Y - N
Jocelyn, Jocelyn, Jocelyn.

Look, I know I am only 2 but tomorrow I will be three. It's a big day. I have big plans. Big dreams. Give me a second. Just let me jot them down in my journal, ok?  But reyee, be on the look out for this upcoming year. Man I tell you, it is going to be a good one. Believe me.

So peace out to my 2nd year of life.
Bring on the fun that only being 3 can offer me.

Yours truly,
Jocelyn Claire Westra

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