Monday, March 20, 2017

"I told you so."

That morning on the drive to school, Jack had been talking about the dangers of skateboarding with us. He told Afton that he, "Watched a YouTube video with daddy that showed a skateboard guy's arm being ripped right off because he wasn't wearing a helmet." (I chuckled from the front seat.)

Afton rolled her eyes and said, "That doesn't even make sense, and I'll be fine. I'm pretty tough even if I'm a girly-girl."

"Well, you just better be careful. You could get wrecked," said a concerned brother.

And later that night as she is crying hysterically he said, not really concerned anymore, but more like a know-it-all, "I told you so."

A nice police officer walked by and asked what happened, as he saw her sad face and tears. He wished her good luck and to feel better. He returned a few minutes later with this bear and said, "I think this little guy could use a friend like you. I keep him in my patrol car just waiting for the perfect friend." How sweet is that?

Fortunately, it was not broken or sprained. Just severely bruised. Which eased her worries, which there were just a few. "What about school? I'll never write again. What about dance? Or cheer leading? Oh no! How can I do a cartwheel? What about my teeth? I can't even hold the toothbrush right anymore."

When she showed Jack her finger brace he smiled and said, "I know I said it before, but, I told you so."

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