Monday, March 6, 2017


Jack got a gecko for his birthday that he loved. HERcules was his first official pet and held a special place in his heart. 

And his parents lost him by accidentally leaving the lid open to keep him warm with sunlight during a winter weekend down in Vegas at grandma's house. 

She shocked us all when she climbed out of her tank. 

He was devastated, but forgiving to his parents who felt absolutely horrible. 

In the beginning of February, a new creature accidentally ran in our house and thankfully Afton was able to catch him. She willingly gave the lizard to her brother, with the understanding that she would get to name him. 

And so, Marshawn, because he's a beast, joined the family. 

He's been happily rock hopping and digging in the sand of his terrarium for a month. He was too antsy still to be held, but Jack loved him anyway. 

He loved him so much that he decided last Tuesday we would throw him a birthday party. (My babes have always loved having parties for their stuffed animals so why not real ones?) It was equipped with Seahawks color balloons, a present, and a treat. 

Marshawn got wax worms and was thrilled. He had not always been the best eater since becoming our pet, so the kids were thrilled to see him eat the worms all in one bite. Marshawn tried really hard to run his way right through the plastic glass, either because he thought he could make a break for it, he was thrilled to finally have sustenance, or he was "Dancing at his birftday party," according to Jocelyn. 

The party ended. Marshawn was placed back in his large terrarium. Rocks back in place as best as they were before, careful not to be too high or to disturb his happy home set up. 

A few days pass.

"Jack, have you seen Marshawn?" 
He responds, "He's just hiding under the rocks again."

Another day passes and so I check. 
Marshawn, went beast mode and had disappeared. He was not under the rocks, hidden in the dirt, under his water dish. He, like HERcules had escaped. 

Maybe he had tasted the chance of freedom at his birthday party and was determined to bust out of that joint. Or his birthday present, the food finally gave him the energy he needed to work up his leaping abilities. Or maybe we didn't put the rocks back the exact same way as before, and it was just that much higher for him to get out. I don't know, but once again, my boy would be devastated because his dumb parents ruin everything. 

I broke the news to him this morning, and he sat silent for a few minutes. Then looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "Did you check really good Mom? Marshawn is a good hider... Oh, I guess he just really missed his family. I'll miss him but I bet his family is so happy to see him... Wait, he might be in my closet. Did you hear that?... It's okay Mom... I'll draw some pictures of him to help me never forget him," as he wiped a tear from his cheek. 

He shocked us all when he climbed out of his tank.

Once again, he was devastated, but forgiving to his parents who felt absolutely horrible.

He is the sweetest, most forgiving, loving child on the planet. What did we do to deserve him? 

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