Sunday, March 5, 2017

Family Projects

So when I was a new teacher, I thought it was so smart to have a family project due almost every other month during the short 9 month school year. I thought it would give families an opportunity to spend time together, working side by side, being creative, sharing ideas, all the while enjoying each other's company. I knew the parents of my students had to just love me for granting them these special moments with their children. I was proud of myself each time I sent home another fun family project.

Ha! Man was I wrong. My old parents probably HATED ME! Like wanted to stab me with a sharpened pencil, scissors, and then smother the glue stick all over the wound, (All items from my "Materials required" sections on all of my family projects) kind of hate me.

I found this out first had when I became one of the parents helping my child working on a Science Family Project, along with keeping up with weekly homework, dance practice, soccer practice, FHE, scripture study, dinner, baths, life, etc.

To all my old parents, I apologize sincerely. Please forgive me.

If she wasn't so much of a perfectionist, (I wonder where she gets that from), it would have been a little smoother. If she didn't have such elaborate dreams to make this the, "Best award winning science family project ever," then there would have been less confusion when I explained to her, "No, we can't actually bring in live animals to the classroom and allow the kids to touch them."

Honestly though, she did great! She worked hard. She was thorough in her explanations and artwork. She listened, most times, without argument. She impressed me, yet again. She even impressed her teacher so much that she was one of 3 students that got to place their project in the library for all to see at school.

Thanks Daddy for attaching the examples to the board perfectly.

When she found out there was no actual award to be won, she was a bit disappointed, but said, "It's okay. I worked hard and all my friends loved it! And I think it's neat that everyone gets to see my project when they go to check out books."

Love my little, not so little anymore, baby girl Afton.

We are all proud of you. Even the little baby girl who wants to be you so bad.

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