Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our Morning Routine

Reminder - this post was written on the evening of the first day of school, but not posted until the next day. I am not sure what happened, but oh well. Explanation is meant for the use of timing and verbs, and basically so you don't think I am a complete nutbag. :) 

Okay. Today was a rough day (emotionally), and I'll explain why in my "First Day of Kindergarten" post a little later in the week. But other than my emotions, I started thinking about just how smooth this first day of school morning actually went. 

I of course was worried and panicked about how hard it would be the night before school started, so I printed these cute "Morning Routine" backpacks (Thanks to SmallFryblog.com), thinking wishfully to myself, "We probably won't need these, but better safe then sorry."

Reflecting again later on in the day, I thought about why and how our morning went so smoothly. I narrowed it down to some key factors.

1. Everyone was excited that it was the first day of school. Because of this, we were all up early.  There was no fighting to get things done. No screaming at each other. No fighting over who sat wear for breakfast. No constant reminders of "Did you make your bed? Did you pack your lunch? Did you put on underwear?"

2. We had things laid out and ready for the day. Being organized is so important. I know of it's importance. I taught my old students the importance of organization. Everything had it's place and was color-coded in my classroom. For some reason though... I seem to forget how organization is so important in my own home? Why is that? (Duh, I have three babies that destroy my organization on a regular basis. The organization is really there deep down, but truthfully I believe their sole purpose in their day is to annihilate anything that resembles clean or organized in my home. Silly babies.)

3. My sugar was home. This was by far the most influential factor as to why today went smoothly. It went so ridiculously smoothly. It was an - All kids fed, dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, and bonus, I actually managed to get on makeup today -  kind of smoothly. This is all because my sugar was able to help out. And help out he did. Thanks baby.

But, let's be honest. He won't be there in a few weeks. His semester will begin and I'll be doing this on my own. Argh! Argh! Argh! Dental school blows.

Hence, our FHE tonight was introducing the "Morning Routine" backpacks. We talked about what we need to do ensure that ALL of our mornings go as smoothly as today. The babies shared their ideas as to the important steps to help us get out of the door with no tears, (for ALL parties involved - mostly me). If they said one of the ideas that was to be part of our routine, they earned a Smartie. I was impressed at their answers. They did great!

I told them that if we can use this morning routine successfully, then they can have a pack of Smarties. (I should have said they can earn them if they have a successful week using "Backpacks", but oh well.)

I love my babies. I'm struggling with them growing up so quickly, but then again, every person in the world who has ever had children, has always warned me that they would. It's starting to sink in.

It worked for the next morning! 
At least for Afton, but Jack's excuse was, "Preschool hasn't started for me yet, MOM!"
Tu chet. 

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