Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Jack is left handed. I have tried so many tricks to help him feel comfortable holding a pencil, but he just is having hard time. I need to continue to help him build his fine motor skills. This was a fun way to do that.

"Let's do some learning guys. Let's learn about colors."

Jack replies, "No, I refuse to learn, but I will do an activity with colors."

"Okay, fine, we will do absolutely no learning during this scientific color activity." (Yeah right!)

As I was explaining this "activity," I used many scientific words, like hypothesis, outcome, predict, discover, and observe. I used them over and over while showing them what was expected. (They had to use medicine droppers (fine motor skills) to make the same color as the poof ball. They both filled up the middle row of the cupcake tin first, then switched to try to make the second set of colors.)

Then I let them learn play with colors. 

Afton said things like, "I observe the colors mixing together. I already did this in preschool mommy. I know how to be a scientist." She also said, "I can discover a new color. OH crap, I made brown. Argh."

Jack said, "My hy-mop-o-sis is to get the color in the right spot. If I get yellow and blue, my hymoposis will make green." Then he said, "Afton, will you help me? I soberve (observe) your colors are nicer than mine."

When we were all done making our colors, Afton used the fun colors she made to paint on paper.
 Jack decided to paint his body! 
This was a great and easy activity to help my little left handed boy build his little muscles in his fingers and hands!

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