Thursday, August 28, 2014

My First Child's First Day of Kindergarten

Basically August has sucked butt. In June and July, I was sending the babies to the Rec Center for some fun summer classes. One reason I did this was to help Jack get ready and comfortable with attending preschool on his own. (His daddy did have to complete 2 years of Kindergarten, by the way. It's in his blood to be nervous.) Another reason was so I could possibly get anything done around the house or errand wise, without having 3 children to lug around. It's freaking hard having three babies. Last reason and I feel really bad saying this, but I was going a bit insane. Literally a nut bag. I don't know how single moms do it all the time. I am only a single parent during midterms and finals, and man oh man, does that time of year/semester always suck.  

Anyway, long story short, I thought I was super ready to be shipping this sweet/sometimes defiant little cute girl off to Kindergarten since I had had such a rough month. But the first day of school came. Ready or not.

Daddy had given Afton a special Father's Blessing.
I am going to write down the special things he blessed her with each year, and have her be able to look through it throughout her adolescence. (Saw this cute idea on Pinterest - of course!)

We had our backpacks prepared with our school supplies.

The lunch was packed.

We had our Back to School clothes all laid out for the week.
I used to LOVE doing this when I was in school.
Back to school shopping was almost as good as Christmas.
Just not quite as spiritual. HA!

Daddy made her whatever breakfast she wanted. 
She got "white eggs and toast."

She was excited to go and I was being really strong. Jack seemed a little sad because his big sister was going to be gone all day. He did ask her if she wanted to play puppies as soon as she got home though, and she agreed. That made him feel better. Daddy was a rock through the whole thing. 

Daddy was just reminding her of the important things we have been talking about at home and the promises he made her in his Father's Blessing. She was really quiet and looking more nervous as time went on. (Which made me more nervous.)

We gave her a kiss, wished her luck, and walked out of the gate. We stayed until she went in the building. I had my sunglasses on because I knew at any point I could breakdown. I didn't...

until I got in the car. Then I absolutely lost it. I mean LOST it. My sugar told me to "Sack up!" 

I knew she would be okay. I knew she would make friends. I knew she would be a good listener. I knew she would be an example for others. I knew she would still miss me, but be able to function throughout the day. I knew it would all be fine, but it was still an extremely long day!

When the day was over, I was so glad to see her. She looked exhausted (missing her nap because full-day Kindergarten has taken that luxury of nap time from her regular day). The first thing she said to me was, "They made me exercise." I laughed. I wasn't expecting that, but who knows what I was expecting. Maybe something like, "Mommy, I had the best day ever, but I still thought of you constantly. I was thinking to myself how thankful I am to have you as my mom. Because of you, I am so ready for Kindergarten. Don't worry mom, I got this." She had PE as her special elective and was the 2nd fastest runner in the class. She didn't get that skill from me, that's for sure. Because she was so tired from her long day of learning and "exercising", I gave her an afternoon treat. She looked thrilled huh? 

This was her fun first day of school hair. 
I meant to take it before school started. 
Are you proud of this sweet braid cousin Angela?

Writing this, still in shock, I can't believe my first child is in kindergarten. I love her. I loved being a part of this special day, her special day. I'll miss her tons each day, but I know that she will do great things. Not just in Kindergarten but throughout her life.

Here's to hoping that this will only get easier for me. 
She is handling it way better than I am, clearly!

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