Sunday, January 7, 2018

First Sunday

The best Sunday of the year for me is always the first. It was always this way when I was younger because you moved up, got a new teacher, but you're still with your friends, with a new theme to focus on for the year.

When I was serving in Young Womens or Primary, I always loved the new binders (school supplies are a weakness), the smiling faces, the new decorations, the excitement overall.

But since being a mom, that love for the first Sunday of the year has grown immensely.

Today was the first Sunday of 2018. My babes were so excited to tell me all about their day as we drove home. Their new teachers. Their lessons. Their friends. Their seats. Their singing time.

Jack said to Afton, "What are the foundations of fun?"

She answered perfectly and responded, "Well, at least I know you were listening, even if I wasn't in there to monitor your behavior. So good job. And how many Skittles did you get."

Jocelyn said, "I an in there now, so I can be's his momitor. (Looking at me in the rear view mirror) He did nice Momma. We all got Skittles too. And can you beyieve dey gave me a whole pack of gum? Dey is so nice and because dey know I an a big girl who can handle it. I am a sunbeam now, so I'm pretty big."

The first Sundays are the best!






I would like to add how extremely thankful I am for all of the wonderful teachers and leaders my babes have had in these early years of their lives. Thank you so much for all of your dedication and service. 

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