Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Mom, I did it."

Once he saw the dude on the beach fishing, he would not stop talking about it.

Then, once he saw the dude actually catch a fish on the beach he was determined to do it too. 

I told him that he would have to politely ask the nice man if he would show him how to do it, on his own. (Trying to build his confidence and adult social skills.) But, I reminded him that the man could say no for many reasons. Reasons like,
1. He doesn't like kids.
2. He wants to relax.
3. He finds peace in fishing by himself.
4. He has a nice fishing pole that he doesn't want to share.
5. He doesn't like kids that interrupt him as he's trying to relax while fishing alone with his fancy fishing pole.

Either way, I told him that he had to be respectful of the man's decision.

Fortunately it all worked out. Jack was brave and confidently asked the man to show him how to catch a fish. And the man was polite, very pleased to do so. (Let me make this clear, I was right there, just a few feet away to ensure there was no danger. I would not EVER send my boy to go and walk up to some stranger, on the beach and have him ask the man to teach him something.) Turns out the man learned how to fish when he was 5 so he had a great time just talking with my boy. 

"Jocey, come here!"
Jocelyn was so proud of her big brother. 

"Can you imagine how scared my little fishie had to be when I caught him? First, he's caught. But second, I'm wearing a freaking shark shirt. That's scary for that little guy."

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