Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I'm your huckleberry.

I wanted to do something fun this weekend. And, I told my babies that we would do something fun. I was hoping it would be a baseball game but that didn't work out, dang it.

But I had to figure something out quick because my babies are relentless when they know there is fun to be had.

So I did some research on the wonderful things Yucca Valley has to offer. Which is not a lot. 

Pioneertown, California, just minutes from our town, is what I came up with for our good old-fashioned family fun.

When we got there, Jack was not thrilled. Not at all. He couldn't understand why he was wearing cowboy boots if we weren't planning on going horseback riding. "What is the purpose of this? Ugh," as he rolled his eyes.

I tried to sell this cute little cowboy town by telling him that many movies have been filmed here over the years. He was not amused. "Movies aren't even real and I don't even like cowboy movies."

At that moment in time, I considered leaving this little town and making my boy sit down with me and watch one of the greatest movies of all time. Then I reminded myself that even though I love it, it's highly inappropriate for my little, naughty, spoiled 6 year old.

He was grumpy and there was nothing I could do about it.

So I forced myself to ignore him and think of my favorite Tombstone quotes as we walked the dirt roads going back in time.

Doc Holliday: You must be Ringo.
[to Big Nose Kate]
Doc Holliday: Look, darlin', it's Johnny Ringo. Deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darlin', should I hate him?

Morgan Earp: Look at all the stars. You look up and you think, "God made all this and He remembered to make a little speck like me." It's kind of flattering, really.

Wyatt Earp: I don't think I'll let you arrest us today, Behan.

Wyatt Earp: From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!

Sherman McMasters: Where is he?
Doc Holliday: Down by the creek, walking on water.

Doc Holliday: It's true, you are a good woman. Then again, you may be the Antichrist.

Ike Clanton: What is that now? Twelve hands in a row? Holliday, son of a b#$&÷, nobody's that lucky.
Doc Holliday: Why Ike, whatever do you mean? Maybe poker's just not your game Ike. I know! Let's have a spelling contest!

Doc Holliday: [to Johnny Ringo] Why Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked right over your grave.

Doc Holliday: Why Kate, you're not wearing a bustle. How lewd.

Doc Holliday: Oh. Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.

Doc Holliday: [taunting a card player who believes Holliday is cheating him] Why Ed does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend... I just don't think I could bear it!

Doc Holliday: [to Johnny Ringo, after shooting him in a duel] You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all. Poor soul, you were just too high strung.

Doc Holliday: It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Wyatt Earp: Doc you're not a hypocrite, you just like to sound like one.

Fortunately, his attitude changed once we found a little store that he could buy himself a little something. This boy is just like his Momma - spending money makes him happy. Immediately he began to perk up. 

Once he had his very own coyote or fox bone in hand, he was good for the rest of the day! 
He even smiled a bit. 

Wyatt Earp: You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?

His own Sioux City Sasparilla Root beer helped with that smile. 
He's like his Daddy that way - he loves a good root beer. 

We ate dinner at the famous Pappy & Harriet's Pioneertown Palace. 
It was delicious!!!!!!!!!
I hope to return one night and maybe even have a date with my sugar watching some live music.

Billy Clanton: Why, it's the drunk piano player. You're so drunk, you can't hit nothin'. In fact, you're probably seeing double.
[Billy Clanton draws a knife]
Doc Holliday: [takes out a second gun] I have two guns, one for each of you.

Doc Holliday: Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after. It's a reckonin'.

Can you tell I have a thing for a man with tuberculosis? 
Doc Holliday and my Sugar (latent TB)

Pioneertown, California
Thank you for a good time.

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