Thursday, September 22, 2016

Be a PIZZA something great!

The world basically sucks right now. 

They have asked a lot questions about certain things they have seen on the internet, news, or on my Instagram feed as I follow @nbcnews. They want to know more, and I don't exactly want to tell them. But I told them this very thing I stated before, the world basically sucks right now.

So, I wanted my kids to know that they can be a part of making their own little world great in some way. 

Their whole little worlds were about to change a big way since we would be moving. Moving away from their home. Moving away from their neighborhood. Moving away from their school. Moving away from their friends. Moving away from their family. Moving away from Las Vegas, NV entirely.

So for this FHE we focused on PIZZA!

PIZZA for dinner,

and then a discussion on how to "Be a PIZZA something great!"

Each kid got 2 tiny pieces of our whole pizza. I told them that the whole pizza was representing "Our  little world." The pieces of the pizza are specific parts of that world.

They had to think about how they themselves could do something to make that part of our PIZZA great. We talked about it as they designed their pieces of pizza.

Jocelyn said, "I be nize to my family. I luv on dem." And for community she said, "Ummmm, a commuuumitteeee. What's dat? I ont know."

Jack said, "I will try and make new friends in my school by playing with them. At our new ward, I will help my teachers. I wonder if they will be old?"

Afton said, "I will make sure that everyone always has a friend. I don't like it when kids are by themselves." And for the world, "I will always pick up trash wherever I see it."

Since we have been in Yucca Valley for a few months now, I would like to announce that we are doing our best to "Be a PIZZA something great." 

The kids are making friends in the neighborhood, classrooms, at church, and helping the world by helping to keep it clean, on every hike, beach trip, and park we visit!

It is my hope that they will remember this lesson as they grow older. I hope their little world is a great place, and if we all will try to do our part, the big world can only improve!

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