Saturday, November 1, 2014

LEAST & GREATEST: Halloween Candy

My girl and boy got a ridiculous, I mean RIDICULOUS amount of Halloween Candy.

Daddy was encouraging inappropriate behavior to collect even more candy. Tips like "Run on people's yards," "Ignore the tape and cones to get to the candy faster," AND "It's okay to push little kids out of the way." Only one of those is not true, but I honestly am not sure he didn't say the last one secretly to his children.

Okay, so you understand they have a lot of candy. (4 Ziploc Large bags of candy packed full)

This morning Afton and Jack decided to sort their RIDICULOUS amount of candy. It was a lot of fun listening to their discussions.

I thought it would be fun to ask some math questions.

"Which one do you have the most of? The GREATEST amount of candy you have is which one?"

25 Suckers - the greatest

"Which one do you have the LEAST of? Least means the smallest amount."

"Now you have 8 chocolate rectangles and 3 chocolate squares. How many more rectangles do you have?"

"Can you make a pattern with your candy?"

"Which candies have spheres?"

"Can you put them in order of LEAST to GREATEST?" (Afton was not interested in doing this because she liked how her candies were all organized already on the floor in a circle.)

I was loving this learning opportunity, and they were too. Afton was having a great discussion with Jack, and he was doing some great counting.

Even Jocelyn was trying to learn. She is getting so close to becoming a crawler. She scooted her little way towards a Butterfinger.

I'm impressed at how easy it is to TRICK them into learning. It was a real TREAT to watch.

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