Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Can you tell me how to get..."

My girl will be 3 next month.

Next month.


And as I was thinking (crying more like it) about this, I remembered back to her just being brand new, not even born yet. It was a challenging time for me.

I frequently thought...
"Can you tell me how I am supposed to survive being on bed rest for 6 months with 2 little kids at home already to raise?"
"Can you tell me how I'm going to be responsible for raising 3 when 2 is challenging enough?"
"Can you tell me how my Sugar is going to survive dental school while I am home, knocked up?"
"Can you tell me how to ensure I don't go into labor during midterms, finals, or boards?"
"Can you tell me how I am supposed to ever repay all of the kindness that was shown to our family by so many sweet people during this time?"
"Can you tell me how my mom is going to survive taking care of all of us, while still working full-time?"
"Can you tell me that my sweet baby (girl - no name had been decided yet) will always know how much I love her and how thankful I am that she is mine?"

I think because I always had those questioning thoughts/concerns/doubts that began with, "Can you tell me...," it was only fitting that my Jocelyn girl would grow up with a deep obsession for the little show we all know and love, Sesame Street.







Now that she is almost 3, I find myself with these thoughts...

"Can you tell me how my baby is already 3?"
"Can you tell where the time went where I snuggled her little body perfectly on my chest?"
"Can you tell me why they grow so fast?
"Can you tell me why as a mother I can't seem to remember it all even though I desperately try?"
"Can you tell me that my sweet baby Jocelyn will always know how much I love her and how thankful I am that she is mine?"

Thanks for all the sunny days, chasin' the clouds away with you my sweet girl. Excited to celebrate you next month as you get 1 year older. Love you!

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