Saturday, October 29, 2016

Our Reasons Have Changed

When in Vegas, we never did anything, activity-wise, out at Nellis AFB for a few reasons.

1. It was too far away.
2. We were too busy with all of our holiday engagements, be it with school, church, family, or friends, to have time to get to any of them.
3. We never really knew about any of them because we were only out there for doctors appointments. (Which in theory, we were out there a lot, I suppose.)
4. I personally didn't feel like a real "military family" yet, so I know I would have felt awkward attending.

But now, all that has changed.

Last night, we attended the Halloween Jubilee out at Twentynine Palms Marine Corp Base.

It was a fun night for a few reasons.

1. It was not so far away.
2. We have no other school, family, or friend engagements to interfere. (Church Trunk-or-Treat is tonight.)
3. My Sugar knows all the events because he's on the base, being a real dentist, 5 days a week so he gets all the info!
4. We are officially a military family so I better embrace all that it has to offer, even if I still have no idea what any of this military life actually entails.

My babies loved it and I was shocked at how many fun things they had for our little family to enjoy. Oh, and did I mention it was all free!

Both my boy and girl won a cake at the cake walk. They played on 8 zillion different bounce houses & slides. All 3 smiled the whole night, which of course made us smile as well. 

I have 3 little reasons to embrace all the fun military life has to offer. 


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