Sunday, September 14, 2014

Happy 6th Month

I sound redundant. I keep saying it over and over. (I was just redundant again.) But seriously, this baby is so much fun. She is growing so much and it's making me so sad to know that she is my last baby. But believe me, I know she is my ABSOLUTE last baby! 

She is so smiley. She loves everyone! Especially her brother and sister. She totally screamed at me for moving her in a position that did not allow her to see them playing outside. As soon as I moved her back, she smiled, and continued to smile the whole time while watching them.

She is eating all kinds of foods. She loves just about everything so far -  rice cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes, green peas, green beans, and pinto beans. She loves to grab at all food, so I feel like she has tried more fun, yummy things then her brother and sister ever had at this age. Is it because she is my third and I am a tad, TAD bit less anal about that kind of stuff? (Sad I have NO pictures of her eating.) She will only breastfeed on my right side as soon as she wakes up in the morning. (What the heck, crazy girl?)

She is able to roll from tummy to back, but not quite the other way around. She enjoys reaching for toys and can pull my hair like nobody's business. She has quite a grip. She is also extremely flexible. I love that she is found with her feet in her mouth on numerous occasions throughout the day. 

She laughs and laughs when you kiss her tummy, when Jack says "Butthead," and when Afton makes funny faces. She lights up whenever any of us walk into the room, but especially her Daddy after being in school all day.

She sleeps through the night and enjoys being in her big girl crib. She had no struggles with the move from bassinet to crib, so that was big relief.

Her hair is not quite as strawberry blond as it was before and it seems to be darkening a bit. However, she still is very fair skinned and much lighter then her siblings. Her eyes are the prettiest blue I have ever seen. (I know I am biased!) They sparkle in the sunlight and I love the way they look when she is outside in the pool. So dazzling.

Wearing mommy's old dress - killin' IT!

I can't say enough about her.

I love her! 
We all do!

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