Tuesday, May 9, 2017

So, duh.

I made a family prayer jar (recycled old salad dressing jar) filled with popsicle sticks with all of our close family members names on it 5 years ago. I did this to help Afton and Jack when they were little to remember to include others in their prayers.
The other day, Jocelyn was playing with the jar that sits on a table in the hall, and Jack asked, "What is that thing for?" Clearly, it had been a while since we had used it. I explained it's purpose and he looked at me funny and said, "So, duh. I bet we need to add a bunch of people in there since it's so old."
And he was right. We've had a ton of babies be born and marriages happen, so an update was definitely needed. Duh!
I thought it would be fun to look through our old names and figure out who was missing. The kids shouted out names, excited for new names, because they wanted to make sure we included them in our evening family prayers from now on.
Then after we figured out who was missing, we drew a stick from the jar. We found whoever's name was drawn and looked them up on Facebook and Instagram. We got to see what was happening in their lives right now, and discuss just exactly how we should be praying for them.
It was a lot of fun. They enjoyed catching up on all of the different lives and happenings of their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We wrote down some ideas of what our family members might need - in terms of a special prayer for them, from us. (Some of their ideas are pretty funny, based on what we saw on Facebook and Instagram of course.)
They also enjoyed drinking "So, duh" while doing it. 

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