Friday, May 5, 2017

His First Derby

Remember that time my cute boy was allowed to participate in his first pinewood derby, even though he wasn't a scout yet?

Remember how he snuggled up on my lap to watch "The Perfect Pinewood Derby Car" videos on YouTube and fell asleep, looking like the perfect, sweet angel boy that he is?

Remember how he knew that he wanted to come up with the best Gecko designed car and was very specific with his daddy, from start to finish?

Remember how he was so stoked to be able to use the power tools?

Remember how he harassed his Daddy everyday if he had finished it, so he could get to work painting the perfect car?

Remember how his mommy got to do some painting, but only as long as he got to add the important details?

Remember how he named him after his lost gecko who he loved more than any little boy could have loved a gecko before?

Remember the competition?

Remember how excited we all were to be there?

Remember his anticipation when he placed his car on the track for the first time?

And then remember when he won for the first time? Remember his smile, the one he does when he is trying to hold it in because he wants to remain cool and collected, but a tiny little smirk just can't be contained?

Remember on the next race when there was a mishap and he almost lost it, emotionally? But they called for a re-race and all was right in his world again.

Remember how Rumplstiltscine got to race a few more times and ultimately placed third in the group of non-scout competitors?

Remember how happy he was with his bronze medal?

I remember.

I'll never forget that smile, his sense of accomplishment, his hard-work, his determination, and overall his appreciation for us helping his first pinewood derby dreams come true.

We will never forget.

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