Saturday, July 25, 2015

Round 2 - Duck Creek

I'm getting this post done!

I'm so far behind on my posts that it's embarrassing to me. It makes me sad to think about what I've become - a total procrastinator. Gone are the days where I knew I had something that I needed/wanted to get done and I actually still possessed the energy to accomplish it right then and there. I miss those energy driven - motivated - sense of accomplishment kind of days.

I currently have 11 blog posts that are still in "draft" stage. 11. ELEVEN!

I know what you are thinking,  "It must be nice to only have this type of worry." Or,  "Really, you are that lame to actually care about this?"

And guess what, I have this worry because this is my only form of journaling. It's my way of trying, TRYING, to keep a record of my babies lives. I mean, our little family's lives. So yes, this is important. And yes, that's why I'm setting a goal to get this post done NOW!

(I should be setting a goal to get completely caught up, but man there's a lot to finish. And sleep is really nice. Ha!)

Jake and my little man Jack 
We found a snake that was eating a dead fish!So gross. Everyone else thought it was really cool.
Jack was the first kid to touch it!
He grabbed my hand and just held it. Melt my heart!
Lily driving Afton around town. 
We grabbed some ice cream for all the kids!
All of the adults ended up eating all of the ice cream because the kids found a playground set that was more appealing. 
Ice cream is way better than a slide.

Jocelyn spent her time swinging, playing in the sandbox or screaming a high pitch squeal. 
I liked the first 2 activities the best.
Jack and Rico - natural rough riders
Three minutes after we took this picture, a group of antelope came strolling on by across this road. Nature.
Such a pretty open field
He picked all these and brought me a special flower!  Love this boy! 
"These are bigger than my head."
Make a wish!  
These two painted rocks and made Barbie walking sticks. 
Many customers later, they each earned $6.50. (Never would have happened in Vegas.)

Day 3
My Sugar always takes my babies on a morning hike, but Lily woke up extra early to make sure she didn't miss out on the fun.
I actually even got to go on this one. 
It was so cool to see all these volcanic rocks just in the middle of all this luscious green.

I love their sweet smiles.
Jack loved getting to take Duncan on walks. 
He was so sweet with him. 
He wants another dog so desperately.
Sorry my little man.
We had to recreate the cute picture we took of her last year on these same logs. 
My oh my how how she has grown. 

It was such a fun trip, as usual. Good laughs, good food, good riding, good all around!
The Dunns are so sweet to invite us and we are so thankful to call them our friends. 
Who knows where we will be next year, but fingers crossed we get to still play at Duck Creek again someday with our friends!

Okay, so I intended on completing this post the night that I actually started writing it. I was ready to do so, and then my Sugar distracted me with a show we have been watching on HBO. Then next couple of nights, I uploaded a few pictures at a time, but then got tired. Really tired, don't judge me. Ha! But, I am happy to say that it is now complete, only 6 days after I started it. Phew, that's better than Jocelyn's baby blessing post (started in April of 2014!) 

Okay, no I am upset with myself again. Ugh. 

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