Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Kind of Mother I Am

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. 

So, naturally everyone is posting pictures of their great moms and sharing stories about their memories with their mom. I will say this. I love, respect, and appreciate my mom. She is a great example of strength and always makes me feel loved. I am thankful for her hard work in raising me by herself and dedication to making sure my brother and I were safe, taken care of, and loved. I know what kind of Mother my mom is... a great one.

Today, the day before Mother's Day, has been an exceptionally sucky one. My children were not terrible but... how can I put this... they were absolutely DEFIANT towards anything and everything I have ever taught them during their ENTIRE existence on this earth. They did the OPPOSITE of what I asked, at all times. They did whatever they wanted, which basically meant just about anything to make me want to pull my hair out. It made be start to think, "What kind of Mother am I?"

These ladies came to my mind.
Mother Gothel
Cinderella's Stepmother

Due to their behavior today, and my nervous breakdowns, deep breathing periods, and personal pleas to help me remain calm, I decided I need to come up with a new system. I am strict and have high expectations, always have and always will. Classroom management should work in my home especially if it worked in my classroom, but my techniques thus far have caused me to question, just exactly what kind of Mother I am. I don't understand how my babies could talk back, be ungrateful, and have no concern, or care for their siblings, their parents or our family's belongings. (Don't get me wrong, my babies are not as bad as I'm making them sound. Most of the time they are sweet, caring, and patient little kids. They struggle with listening, but can quickly correct their behavior when it's brought to their attention. I love them so much. Today however... well, I still love them, but it was just a bad day.)

This is what I've come up with, and I'm really hoping it works. 
They have lost all shows and treats from stores, because for some reason, we've spoiled them. They can earn them back through listening AND being kind to each other. I'm using this incentive to incorporate the love and logic theory in raising well behaved and well mannered children.

They'll wake up tomorrow to this new system of positive reinforcement. They'll see a happy mom who looks and behaves nothing like the one they had today.  They'll be ready to start the day on a good note, just as I will. It's a new day tomorrow. Did I mention, I hope this plan freaking works?

Mother's Day - 2013

When my children look back on their childhood, will they think of me as I think of my mother- a great one? I hope so. I love, love, LOVE being their mommy and want nothing but the best for them. I hope they know that, even on rough days like today, the day before Mother's Day.

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