Thursday, May 10, 2018


This morning on our way to school we were talking about this word.

SUB, and all its meanings.

"I want to go on a real sub one day. Like a submarine. I can, right mom?" -  Jack

"Yesterday, I wanted to sub out with dad, so I could take a break from you 2 big kids because you were so rotten! Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about," as I glare at them both from my rearview mirror. - Me, duh if you couldn't figure that one out.

"I really hate it when Mrs. Hansen has a sub. They are always the worst." - Afton

"What duh heck is a sub? It rhymes with tub, rub, bub." - Jocelyn

"Oh I thought of another one. Sub, like a sub sandwich. Now I'm hungry." Afton

From that sandwich statement, the 2 oldest I wanted to strangle yesterday... the 2 in this picture who are being forced to sit in the circle and say 10 nice things about each other... the 2 of 3 big kids came up with a genius sandwich restaurant.

"Let's make a restaurant called THE SUB. It can look like a classroom, with desks for the seats and the menu on a chalkboard." - Afton

"And we can name our sandwiches after our teachers! We could hang pictures of us with our teachers too." - Jack

"And for dessert, we could have a bunch of apple type things. Apple pies, apple tarts, cinnamon apple cookies, anything with an apple that is yummy." - Afton

I loved it. And the fact that these 2 were coming up with ideas together about a project, instead of coming up with ideas on how to murder each other in their sleep, brought this mom a feeling of such happiness. And the thought of a yummy sub sandwich doesn't suck either. (Day 7 on Keto) 

I helped them out a bit with the naming of sandwiches.

Preschool - Mrs. Bahati Hot Pastrami

Kindergarten - Mrs. Higley's Piggly Wiggly

1st Grade Afton - Mrs. Hathaway's Heater 

Mrs. Thompson's Tuna Melt

1st Grade Jack - Mrs. McDermott's Meatballs - sadly I did not get a picture with this teacher

2nd Grade Afton - Mrs. Day's Deluxe BLT

2nd Grade Jack - Mrs. Cummings' Cool as a Cucumber Club

3rd Grade Afton - Mrs. Hansen's Hot Crossed Buns

I am so thankful for each of these teachers and the impacts they have had on my sweet babes. And I love that my kids love and have such fond memories of the time spent in their classrooms.

Post written a while back, but posted during Teacher Appreciation week!

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