Thursday, July 27, 2017

So Pretty

When I say something dumb, my loving Sugar gives me a look and tells me, "You're so pretty."

I've been hearing this for over 14 years now.

When we began our trek through Fern Canyon at Redwoods National Park, I heard a woman talking about the movie Jurassic Park. My interests were perked and so I eavesdropped more, because who doesn't like to eavesdrop? She said something that I thought was so foolish, that I almost laughed out loud. She talked about how this was where they filmed that movie.

I thought to myself, "Oh. Poor thing. She's so pretty. That movie was actually filmed on the beautiful island that they flew away from in those helicopters as they were escaping the real dinosaurs made from the mosquito blood found in those sap rock thingies. Man, should I tell her she's wrong?" (I'm so pretty and quite embarrassed that I actually thought this, but I'm sharing it anyway.)

But, I kept my personal movie knowledge to myself. (Because I'm a skilled-movie-scene-location-person and dinosaur expert if you didn't know this about me.)

Then, as we walked a little further, there was another person, completely not related to the first woman, not in her group she was hiking with, who I overhead, talking about Jurassic Park and some part of the Star Wars series that was filmed there too. (Ugh. Dang it. I came to a realization. I'm the dummy.)

Feeling foolish, I was so happy that I didn't, "Inform" that lady that she was wrong, because she wasn't. I was. I was so wrong. So very, very wrong.

At that point, I had never felt so pretty in my entire life.

In my defense, Fern Canyon was used in Jurassic Park II: The Lost World. I knew it didn't look familiar as to what I had seen in the first movie. So I'm not 100% pretty, just about 97% pretty.

But really, these pictures don't do this place justice. Maybe watch the movie to see how it really looks in here. Fern Canyon is literally pretty. Not my husband's definition of pretty, but Webster's Dictionary definition of pretty.

"Dis my pretty leafes. I will take it wif me everywhere."
She took it with her everywhere.

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