Monday, July 10, 2017

Save the Best for Last

I can't tell you how many times we've visited The Living Desert, but I know for sure we've got our money's worth. Season passes for the win.

And today, it was an awesome time!

We got there at 8:50 am, temperature only 101°, and paid for a family to get in with us because we hadn't used all of our guest passes - so yay. #summerofservice Then we cashed out our carousel tickets and will share them with friends who can visit the zoo later. You know, like when the temperatures aren't comparable to those found on the surface of the sun. (Pretty smart shutting it down, because my babe would have died burning her little bottom while willingly riding in circles on a hummingbird metal carousel ride.)

We finally got to feed the giraffes. I've been putting this off because the lines are always long and I didn't want to feel rushed trying to enjoy this (Not super expensive, but still I'm cheap) experience. And it worked out perfect. We were the only ones in line and the lady gave us probably 20 carrots each, instead of the 3 you get for $4. 60 instead of 12 - That's great math!

The animals were up and active, which really it didn't make any sense. You know, because did I mention it was like walking around on the freaking sun?

We had fun listening to the laughing kookaburra who just loved my babes. So glad to have found him in the shade since we hung out with him for almost a half an hour.

And then, the most glorious part of our magical experience at the zoo had nothing to do with the actual animals.

It had to do with water. And finding water when the temperatures were now over 115° at 12:30 pm was perfect!  And fortunately it was at the end of our last The Living Desert zoo trip.

All around, today's zoo trip was just the epitome of saving the Best for Last.

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