Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy 9 Months

Things I LOVE about you.

1. You smile constantly, just like your daddy.

2. You get excited and hold your hands together so tight as you raise your hands above your head, to quickly bring them down. This little movement always makes me smile.

3. You LOVE me. You still want me around and are genuinely sad when I leave.

4. You make me feel like I'm doing an okay job at being a mom.

5. You won't snuggle me, but you always do so easily with your daddy. It melts my heart. (I get a little jealous too though.)

6. You are decisive. You know what you want, even already at such a young age. You decided when you were done breastfeeding, one side at a time. You decided when you wanted to become more active, when the Doctor was concerned before. You'll decide when you want to be more vocal or when you are ready to truly show just HOW smart you are - in your own time I know. (This decisiveness has it's pros and cons for your future, I'm sure.)

6. You have the power to brighten everyone's day. I truly mean EVERYONE'S day. So many times you've made people stop and stare because your smile warms their heart. So many have shared stories with me about how you remind them of a special time in each of their pasts.

7. You're friendly. Waving and smiling at anyone and ALL that you see.

8. I LOVE how you're so much like your brother and sister in some ways, like the crazy order of your teeth coming in, my third vampire baby.

9. I LOVE how different you are from your brother and sister in some ways, like how you always need me around. You're a lot more demanding then they were, but then again you're fighting for my time and attention.

10. You're mine. That will never change. My Heavenly Father has placed you in my arms. He trusts me to raise you well, love you always, and help you grow to be a strong, valiant, faithful, intelligent, and loving little girl. It makes me feel special to know that you chose me to be your MOM when you were up in heaven. I'm honored.

Blessed to be your MOM. Blessed to have you here in our family. Just blessed overall.

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