Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy 3rd Month

You are so chubby. I love, love, love it. You are doing pretty good with staying on schedule so that makes me very happy. You're sleeping consistently 8 hours a night,  but according to Babywise, you should be 10-12. Hmmmm, I know I shouldn't complain. So I'll stop. You're not so grumpy anymore at night so the colic is wearing off. That's a good thing, for everyone. 

Jack loves to place his super heroes next to you as you rest, no matter where it is you fall asleep. I'll find Hulk, Batman, or Ironman right at your side. Afton loves to call you sweetie and fights with me at least once a day because, "I'm so old, MOM. I'm big enough to walk around with her and I can even fly her up in the air." I assure you, that has never happened because we discuss the dangers of that literally everyday.

Your eyesight is improving so much. You smile whenever one of us walks by and that always melts our heart with that beautiful, toothless smile of yours. (Jack's still intrigued by both of you having, or not having any teeth.) Although you haven't laughed or giggled yet, we are still very satisfied with your smile. Your favorite thing to do is take a bath. You kick your legs and wave your hands all over with such joy as you touch the water. It's so fun. Something you don't enjoy its tummy time. Working out is the worst, in your opinion (mine as well), but you have to do it. 

It's so fun to have you in our family. We love you so much and can't imagine our lives without you.
Happy Mother's Day to me
Jack loving you - He can't get enough of you.

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