Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Daddy just plays at school ALL the time huh, mommy?" remarks an inquistive Afton.

Today was a fun day at Daddy's so-called school. The UNLV dental students needed to let off some steam and they invited their families (who equally needed to let off some steam) to join in the fun. It was a day with friends, face painting, food, water balloons, water guns, games, and more!

When we got there, Afton and Jack were welcomed by so many. Pretty funny how many people love our babies. Afton and Jack were kind and friendly, as usual. NOT! They scowled at everyone because it was super hot, super crowded, and they were super hungry. Oh, super tired as well since this fun day started right at their usual nap time.

Daddy was busy taking an ($100,000) Embryology test, so they were frustrated that they did not see him right away.
Daddy releasing some stress.
He had not yet found out the results of the test, but he is pretty sure he passed!!!
Daddy and Bryce are like two peas in a pod. They decided to be partners for the water balloon toss and look what Bryce is sneaking in his pocket, just in case they needed it.
(Tricky, tricky! Just my sugar playing Phase 10.)
Bulge in his pocket... water balloon back-up.
Jack just wanted to play with the big boys.
Such determination
Turns out they won 2nd place, and didn't even have to use the back-up water balloon.
Next event, the 3-Legged race!
They won 2nd place again!
Afton and Bella...
 up to no good!
Jack, also up to no good.
 "Here mom, in case you need to shoot someone in the face or something. "
My girl got a lady bug.
We had a fun day at Daddy's school. On our way home Afton says to me, "Daddy just plays at school ALL the time huh, mommy?"  I kindly explained that daddy is working very hard at school everyday. We know he is going to be the best dentist and we are so very proud of him of his hard work and dedication to his schooling. I did however mention that Daddy does seem to spend sometime playing PING PONG while at school, instead of being home, to tuck her in at night. Keep up the hard work daddy. We truly love you.
Oh yeah, my sugar found out in the middle of the BBQ that he passed the Embryology ($100,000) test! Woo hoo!!!!!

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