Tuesday, February 6, 2018

This boy is funny.

I wrote this post back when Jack was 3, almost 4 - just about the same age as Jocelyn is right now. He still is a riot. It was fun to reread the silly things he used to say. 


This boy has been cracking me up lately. At times I have to hold back the laughter so as not to hurt his little feelings, but he's truly a riot. I don't know what I love most about this age. Let me rephrase that. I don't know what I love most about this boy at this age. He's just pretty awesome all around, BUT his daily conversations, confused remarks (due to his age), and story telling skills are definitely up there on my list of favorites.

1. At the park one morning.
J: "Hi, I'm Jack. What's your name?"
Little girl: "I'm Jessica."
J: "I have two balls. Do you want to see them? I'll even let you play with them."
Little girl: "Okay, then let's go on the swings."

2. Me to Jack after dropping off sister.
"We have to go to Michael's later after our walk so I can get some fabric for your costume."
40 minutes later as we're getting into the car...
Jack: "Are we on our way now to that dude's house so he can make my costume?"
Me: "What dude?"
Jack: "Michael."

3. "It's not perfect but it will just have to do." (Afton's shorts)

4. As we're driving along, out of nowhere he says, "I'm getting REALLY tired of being called Jack-A-Jack and Afton being called Sally. My name is Flash."

5. Afton reading a restaurant sign on the strip, "What does BJ's spell mom?"
"It is the name of someone who the restaurant is named after. It doesn't really spell anything other than a nickname."
Jack chimes in, "It doesn't say BJ's. It says pj's, like pajamas. Geeze you guys."

6. "I couldn't finish my work today in preschool today mom. It's because I hurt my leg on the trampoline last night, and that one time, 14 years ago when I was a baby."

7. "I've done that before mom. I been on a submarine before with grandpa. We went, zooooom, down to the bottom of the sea, and I caught like 14 crabs. Then I bought them up and laid them all out on the beach. I told them to stay still, so they did. Then zoom, down again. Like 150 more crabs. Grandpa and I really did do this. I'm not telling a fib. This is a real story. I didn't do it with grandpa Jerry. I did it with your daddy mommy. I really did." Sidenote: My daddy died when I was just 5.

8. "I am going to write a letter to Mrs. Higley." 
Afton: "You can't.  You don't even know how to spell her name."
"Yes, I do. It's D - O - S - E. She'll know what that means."

9. "Afton, you're silly. This tunnel doesn't stink. You don't have to plug your nose."

10. "I don't know how to eat fast."

11. "Please don't call me that. I am Flash."
Preschool ART teacher - "But it says your name is Jack."
"Fine, then you can call me Mr. Jack Flash."

12. "Smiling is the worst."

13. "Mom, what's an ankle?... oh, I thought that was just a giant skin pimple."

14. "Okay, now I can really hear you mom."

15.  Jack- "Mom, what's the name of his kind of gun, a Sugar Shooter?"
Me - "No, I think it's an assault rifle."
Jack- "Oh yeah, the SALT rifle."

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