Monday, November 13, 2017

Family History

At church yesterday, during Sunday School, the teacher spoke of the importance of doing your family history. Knowing stories from your ancestors, making connections to where you have come from, finding the time to complete this important work.

And I sat there frustrated and annoyed. Really annoyed.

Annoyed because I don't know these important things about my past. Annoyed, because I am missing out on so much of my heritage and the blessings that could come from doing my research. Furthermore, annoyed because I felt like that is just one more thing I am failing at. One more thing to add to my load. "Complete your family history. Do your genealogy work. It is so easy. The church has so many resources." Blah, blah, blah.

I sat there getting more and more irritated, until finally I took a deep breath. I said a little prayer, while rolling my eyes, and most definitely, not closing them.

And this feeling came over me. "There is a time and a season."

Right now, I am not doing this important work. I honestly don't even know how or where to start. I am letting others do it for me, and at this point in my life, I am okay with that. I know that one day I will do it. I do have a desire, and that is enough for me right now. It is okay.

I need to not be disappointed in my efforts of finding out my history currently, because I do my best to document my little family's history through this silly little blog. I put in the time to help keep our special memories alive, in hopes that one day, my babes will appreciate it. They will applaud my efforts, and hopefully forgive me that I was not the best at genealogy.

I hope that they will know of my love for family, be it our little one, or all of our extended, extended, extended family, from generation to generation. I am thankful to know that families can be together forever. I am thankful for that peace I feel because I have that knowledge. I am hopeful, that my ancestors will forgive me for not doing this important work right now. That someone is picking up where I slack, and I will, in time, do my part. My family history will be done.

Funny how our Heavenly Father will answer your prayers, even when you are saying them with an attitude. He must really know me well. There is a time and a season.

1 comment:

  1. They’re starting to refer to it as family hiSTORY and you are doing a fabulous job of telling your family’s story.
