Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Soccer Family

We became a soccer family last Spring. Soccer family as in, Daddy was the coach and I was the assistant coach. Afton even got involved as Assistant to the Coach. (The Office reference.)  We had no idea what we were doing, but we were pretty confident that we can do just about anything! Ha - way too confident!

But seriously, it was a lot of fun. The little boys were so sweet. They really improved so much from the beginning of the season to the end. The best part was watching my sweet boy play for his Daddy. I loved every minute of it! They both did too.

As assistant coach, I got to put together the uniforms, with a SKOR bar and cute little tag at the beginning of the season. I did other stuff too, but this was my favorite part! The little boys were so excited to get their jerseys. It made me smile. 

Jack couldn't decide which cleats to where. 
He just "liked them both sooooo much!"

I also got to take team pictures. 
Man, do I suck at taking actual pictures, with a semi-nice camera. 
But if it is done on my phone, I swear I am a natural. 
(Instagram helps me with my confidence in this area.)
Number 3
My Sugar with his PANTHERS.

At the end of the season, we had a little party. We had some food, talked about how much growth all the boys had shown, reminisced about Mateo's amazing natural raw talent, but most important was the awards ceremony. I loved hearing what my husband had to say about these sweet little boys. 

Jacob - "Most Aggressive Award - not just towards the other team, but with our own as well."
Tristan - "Motor Award because he is always on the go. Afton helped me come up with this one because she said, 'Dad, that kid never stops!'"
Brennen - "Most Improved Award because he started out the season barely kicking the ball but by the end of the season, he almost scored a goal."
Mateo - "No one is going to argue that you were our MVP, because you scored like 800 goals and you had such sweet moves while doing it."
Brayden - Sadly he had already left for the evening, but he would have won the "Most Interested in Things Other Than the Game Award." Little man was so cute, and easily distracted.
Last but not least, 
Jack - "You get the award for Best Celebration After a Score Award. He told his mom, I want in and I am going to score. And he went in and scored two goals. He did it." Then he walked to midfield with a smirk on his face and pretty much popped his collar, so proud of himself. 

We start another season in a few weeks. I am excited. We all are!

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