Thursday, June 11, 2015

1st Annual Westra Girls Weekend

When I told my girl about this trip that was in the planning stages back in April, she was ecstatic. She asked about it at least once a week, until it was finalized. Finalized, as in getting in the car to drive up to the cabin finalized. She was so happy to spend time with her sweet cousins... oh and the rest of the family too, I guess. (Honestly, she could care less if I was even there. She just wanted her cousins!) She was sad a few of them couldn't make it, but she was comforted when I explained that this trip is hopefully the start of a fun Westra tradition and hopefully those missing cousins could come next year.

It didn't take much for me to talk my sugar into it. Basically, he was just thrilled that he would be able to study at home for midterms instead of staying late every night at school. Plus he would get to spend some quality daddy-son time with the boy. That was all I needed to tell my Jack boy when he got sad that he wasn't going on this trip. "You'll get to have Daddy all to yourself!"

Our fun girl's trip will be told through pictures. Duh!

We left daddy with a treat.

Jocelyn enjoyed her first Chick-fil -A experience.

The tunes on the way up were perfect for the occasion!

"Mom what is that smell? It smells so clean."
I responded, "That's what CLEAN, fresh air smells like."
"Ahhh, I love it. Oh wait, now it's ruined. Did you kill a skunk?"

Girls with Grandma Joy

Morning snuggles on the porch

The Westra Grandchildren out on a hike!
Aunt Cindy made us these cute shirts!

We were all in charge of a meal and a craft.

I created a fun activity for our 4 missionary nephews.
Missionary Madlibs - This way the boys at least got some letters from us! 

We had wooden letters, ceramic creatures, and lots of blank canvas to paint.

Then of course we got to paint nails.

Aunt Cindy and Aunt Alison showed the little girls how to crochet.

The girls had fun playing in a tree house a few houses down.

We made our own princess crowns to wear during our Fancy princess Dinner.
It was cute to see all of the little girls dressed fancy for the delicious meal.

I am missing tons of pictures somehow of all of the fun we had, but I think probably the most fun everyone had there was getting to snuggle the newest Westra baby at the time, Jocelyn. Well, I am speaking for everyone in assuming that, but whatever. She is fun to snuggle.

Aubrey, Angela and Eva with my grumpy girl
Grandpa crashed the girl's get away so he could spend some quality time with Jocelyn. 
Aunt Cindy snuggling
Ashley playing

Ironic that I started this post almost a year ago, and somehow didn't finish it. We have no girls trip planned this year, but at least we can remember the fun we had by looking through these pictures again. I am pretty frustrated that I can't find any of the other pictures that Julie took for us. I think they are on my external hard drive that crashed.Ugh!

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