Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jack the Evergreen

Jack did a great job in his winter program a few weeks ago. I intended to blog about it, because it was a monumental event in our lives. (Okay, not monumental, but still pretty special.)

Somehow with with packing up from the hotel, unpacking to get into our house, cleaning the house, setting up for Christmas, wrapping ALL presents for Christmas, cleaning up Christmas, and then trying to survive this freaking flu, it just hasn't happened.

Anyhow, Jack was an Evergreen. He has proven to be very different from his sister (in many ways), in that he speaks nothing of his learning/encounters at school, so I only found out about his actual part a few days before the program.

"I don't want to be an Evergreen mom. I wanted to be a snowman. Mrs. Bahati doesn't listen to me."

My poor little evergreen.

The day of the program, he did great. He was Evergreen #5, which had the most important line in my opinion, "Is that a flake I spy?" He smiled for our cameras and sat down, well behaved for the entire show.

The next part of the program was the snowman part. As it began, I knew exactly WHY Jack wanted to be a snowman instead of an Evergreen.

Alyssa. (Elf in the corner, next to the snowman in glasses.)

Alyssa is sweet and pretty, and has been since the first day of preschool.

Alyssa got to be an Elf that would decorate the snowman.

Alyssa would be decorating Jack's good buddy. (They both have a tiny, tiny, crush on Alyssa.)

Jack said he didn't get to be a snowman because he didn't want to dance. "AND he (his buddy) wanted to dance, so I was stuck being an Evergreen. I was just a silly tree."

Come on. Melt my heart. My boy is the sweetest little thing in the world. And the world is filled with tons of Evergreen trees!

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