Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy 10 Months (belated)

So you're already 10 months old. The first 9 months of your life I was able to get this post done on the actual 8th of the month. That's because I would write it after all the kids were asleep and I could just sit down and write down fun blog posts about the current events of our family.

BUT, since you're NOT sleeping through the night anymore, and you've become a needy (crybaby) that won't allow me to even go to the bathroom without you turning on the tears, I have less energy to stay up and write. So I apologize that this is late baby Jocelyn, but you also should be apologizing for my lack of sleep. ;)

Just kidding. I know it's NOT your fault. You've had a rough last couple of months. Not being in your own crib, but instead the hotel pack and play affected your sleep. Teething always affects your sleep. And to top it off, croup and all sorts of illnesses have rocked your little world as well, my poor baby.
But during these struggles, we have all survived, barely. It's not been easy, but that's okay. We still love you so much.

This last month, you have accomplished many big things. You are pulling yourself up and walking around whatever you're holding on to for support. You're eating more adult food, because baby food is SO last month. You have 6 teeth, that you like to grind, which is terrible! Don't you know your Daddy is a dentist? You still make the scrunchy face when you're excited and it's adorable. (It was your saving grace on days when we had a rough night the night before.) You like to empty out the diaper basket, diaper bag, and anything you can get your little hands into. You LOVE to say "Mamama" and "Dadada." You're very fair in your love, because you say them equally as much as the other. You've decided that sitting in the tub isn't as fun as standing, which makes things a bit more difficult. You love to be tickled, and you'll tackle whoever is on the floor. You're the light of your brother and sister's lives, even though you tear up their pictures and books (that they shouldn't leave out in the first place - you're just teaching them to be responsible.) You love to kick your legs in the grocery cart and smile at strangers.

We LOVE you so much. We hope that you get back on schedule, feeling better soon, and return to the happy, CONSTANTLY happy and more independent baby that you once were. We LOVE you no matter what, though.

Our sweet Jocelyn Claire

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