Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Wins All Around

It's not often I feel like I've got a solid win on my score board as a parent.

In fact most days, I don't.

My losses highly outrank the wins.

But last Saturday night, there were wins all around.

Win #1 - We got to drive to Safeco Field in Seattle for a memorable evening to see some pretty amazing people. None of them were in baseball socks, unless they had them on under their suits. The prophet, Russell M. Nelson, his cute wife Wendy Watson Nelson, and Henry B. Eyring were the speakers.

Win #2 - We had Seattle dogs for dinner, and no one spilled on their church clothes.

Win #3 - We happened to have some extra tickets that we were able to negotiate some amazing goods for trade.

Win #4 - We managed to somehow sit with a group of friends from our ward without planning. Pretty impressive in a crowd of 49,089 people.

Win #4 - It really doesn't suck having family up here.

Win #5 - As we drove away from the fireside, devotional, event, once in a lifetime experience, whatever you want to call it, we asked our babes what was their favorite part.

Jack said, "I liked when the first bald guy (Eyring) was talking about when he was a little boy just like me. He was wriggling around at church and his mom was getting mad just like you always do, but he was actually listening to the speaker, like I do. Sometimes."

Afton said, "I liked when President Nelson told that story about him on the plane when it was about to crash. I remember that Mormon Channel video we've watched, but it was cool to hear him tell it again."

Jocelyn said, "I liked the durl who gave me stickers."

Win #6 - Dick's for a late dinner is always a luxury. And my babes suggested we feed the gentleman who was holding a sign that read, "Just food."

Wins all around.

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