Sunday, June 24, 2018

Can I Ski Yet

Jack's been asking this same question over and over.

Can I ski yet?

Everytime we think of going on the boat...

Can I ski yet?

Everytime we actually get on the boat...

Can I ski yet?

And sadly, we've not thought it was the best idea just yet.

You know reasons that stop us from letting it happen are, "This is the Puget Sound. It's freezing cold. It's full of 8,000,000,000 jellyfish."

He doesn't care for any of those explanations.

When we told him were going to Mason Lake he got excited because he knows that that means it's not Puget Sound it might be warmer and it's not filled with jellyfish. (Future marine biologist)

He was pumped. And I was hopeful that we could make it work... but there were new problems now.
We don't know what the crap we're doing. What length should the rope be? How is he going to be able to get up without anyone in the water helping him because we need a spotter in the boat. And Afton was out of town and trusting Jocelyn didn't seem the most reliable. Oh and the water was freaking freezing.

He was super sad, but understanding.

It will happen one day.

One day he will finally be able to ski.

Water Ski

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