Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's a ZOO out there.

Since I attended BYU, I've always wanted to go to the Hogle Zoo. I love zoos and always have, but no one would ever go with me. Since the freaking year 2000, not a single person would go with me.  Jerks!

My sugar said this zoo was a joke and not worth driving all the way up to it. So, because he rained on my parade, I never brought it up again. (Pardon me sir, but I didn't grow up in Seattle with the Seattle ZOO and Seattle Aquarium as my stomping grounds.) But I always, always want to go.

This trip up to Utah, my sweet niece Angela suggested we go. I did not hesitate in my response of, "I would love to go to the zoo." I was also speaking on behalf of my 3 children, who I knew would also love the zoo. Jack said, "Um, I'll only go if there is a lion."

K, I'm rambling now, but basically, I LOVED it. It was the first zoo I've ever been to where the animals are actually moving, not just laying around half sedated.

We literally saw lions (missing a picture because the exhibit was under construction, but we saw them), tigers, and bears (both brown and polar)... actively moving. Oh my. We also saw 3 elephants, one that was a baby, moving around; Seals, leopard, gorillas, turtles ALL moving around at this "joke of a zoo."

 Elephants walking around!
Polar Bear walking around!
Brown bear walking around. "Ummmm, he's coming right to my face."
"That leopard is eating a pigeon I think." Afton
"No, it's probably a little boy." Jack
"That turtle is WAY bigger than Aunt Allison's. She would freak out if she saw him." 
Look at the size difference between both turtles.
 The baby girl loved it too! She slept whole time!
 Favorite thing in the world to do - ride a carousel.
 Angela and Baby Eva
 "Hey gorilla, do you want to eat some food?" kindly asked Jack.
 Which elephant pictured has the bigger face? 
Him or me? 
"This bird is up my penis."

Well sugar, who is laughing now? :) 
We are, as we look back at these pictures and see how much fun the Hogle Zoo really was. 

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