Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Now that I'm writing this post, I think one of my written goals should have been to make sure I get my blog post written within a week of the actual activity that I'm writing about.

Did that make sense? Probably not. So whatever. Just keep reading.

(Trying to meet my goals) 

Well, this happened 7 minutes ago for Family Home Evening. We're snuggled on the couch watching Shrek 2, so I'm using this time to post.

We read through our old goals, laughed, and commented on our handwriting and things we've accomplished. We also talked about things we need to continue to work on to reach those old goals.

Then we played a game called, "2 0 1 9 - You Choose & Do." (This game I pulled out of my butt, 4 minutes before FHE started.) The kids had to circle a number on front, and then do whatever was underneath the post-it note that many times. The fun part was they had no idea what was under the note, so they hoped for the best. Kind of like what we do with our goals.

Fun night reflecting and discussing our futures, while laughing at our self portraits.

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