Thursday, March 24, 2016

Her Love for Horses & My Love for Her

My girl has loved horses for a long time. Like forever. She's read a million books about them, watched every show on Netflix that could possibly have a horse in it, and asked to ride horses on a regular basis.

I knew once she was old enough, I wanted to take her on a special Mommy & Daughter ride. This birthday was finally the time.

She opened all the gifts from family and friends at her birthday party last week, the last one was from us. Inside it was her old horse that she snuggles at night in bed with a bow on it. She looked at it confused, until I explained what her gift was from her Daddy and me. She was so happy; I was so glad to have been the one to put that smile on her sweet face.

She asked everyday after her party if I had called to schedule her ride yet (Sunday & Monday). When I got it scheduled, she then asked everyday if today was the day for the horse riding (Tuesday & Wednesday).

Only 4 days passed and it felt like a lifetime for her.

Today, she woke up so excited. She couldn't wait. "Should I wear my cowboy hat? How about my boots? Do cowgirls wear makeup? Can I? Ugh, okay, but is it time to go yet? I will wear jeans but what shirt?" Only 8:15 am and our ride wasn't until 4 pm. "Do you think my horse will be white? I'll name him Marshmallow. If he's brown, and I hope he is I'll call him Broldie. You know, a mix between brown and gold, because I'm sure this horse will shine like gold." The whole ride there was filled with questions about horses and facts that she's learned. I loved every second of it.

Finally, we got to Laughlin, and the adventure began. We were a bit early so we went to the park for a few minutes.

The anticipation was killing her so we arrived early at the stables. Her love for those horses tripled in a manner of seconds and I just sat back and watched my girl beam. I could not have been happier.

Her horse was named Bubba. She looked just like her stuffed horse that she snuggles every night. When the nice man told her she'd be riding that horse she said, "How did that cowboy know that THAT horse is just the one I wanted?"

My horse was named Chunky Monkey. He would regularly stop to eat and rarely keep up with the other horses. I tried to keep him in check but I'm no cowgirl.

Davis Dam
She didn't complain about having to wear a helmet and the cowboy kept telling me how she was such a sweet, obedient child.
Along the River

"I miss Bubba already. He really loved me. Thanks for today mom. I loved it so much."

This day was so fun. When I became a mother I knew that I had never loved like that before, but I had no idea that that love would continue to exponentially grow at such a rapid rate.

Her loves for horses is minimal compared to my infinite love for her.

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