Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quotes May 2013

Pardon me. I am a bit behind on posting. I have been busy celebrating during my birthday weekend. And man did we celebrate. But that is another post. Hope you enjoy what my funny babies have had to say this past month. I know I have.

Day 1
Afton: "It's so bright so she can see it, since she is getting old."  
Happy Birthday Grandma Jones
Day 2
Jack: "I want to swim with sharks. But not one that will eat me. Ok?
Day 3
Jack: "I have a soccer ball game today at 25. I'm going to kick the ball way high in the sky. Then I'm going to catch it and throw it."
Me: "Only the goalie can catch it. Are you going to be the goalie and use your hands?"
Jack: "I'm not a GIRLIE. I'm a boy!"
Day 4
Jack: "I have an OWIE on my hand."

Day 5
Jack: "One day, I'm going to marry a girl with pink nails in the temple."
Day 6
While watching a flamingo documentary - Afton puzzled... "So if you dance, does THAT make a flamingo baby? Because I like to dance and I sure don't  want to have a flamingo baby. Maybe I need to stop dancing."
Day 7
Afton: "Why are we going to get gas again mom? You always get it and then you just lose it. You talk about me being responsible? You need to take care of your gas."
Day 8
Quote 1
Me: (asking in a patient, don't freak out kind of voice) "Jack, why did you poop in your sister's room?"
Jack: "Because I'm not going to poop in my room. That's just gross."

Quote 2
"MOM, I CAUGHT A WORM! I REALLY DID!" I just couldn't tell her that worm was the bait. Cute girl making daddy proud.
Day 9
Made her bed, picked up her room, and got dressed all by herself to show me that she is ready for her play date with Bella. "Mom, Shannon Speaker Morris will let me paint my own nails and basically whatever I want. I'm so excited."
Day 10
Me: "Jack what color is grass?"
Jack: "Green."
Me: "What color is the sky?"
Jack: "Blue."
Me: "What color is the sun?"
Jack: "HOT!"
Day 11
"Look mom, a Batman tortilla! I love Cafe Rio."
Day 12
Afton's first time singing on Mother's day in sacrament as a Sunbeam, but she only sang one line. She looked grumpy and was ticking her tongue out. When I asked her why she did not sing and looked so grumpy she said, "I was just focusing on not peeing my pants. I had to go really bad. All these people smiling and  I JUST HAD TO PEE!" While going potty, she sang the whole song to me. :)
Day 13
Afton: "So Noah's boat had to be pretty freaking huge to fit all those animals right?"
Day 14
Jack: "Mom, I am so ready to swim. Let's do this."

Day 15
"I'm so excited to go to the dentist. I think I might have a cavity. But probably not because my daddy is a dentist and he teached me how to take care of my teeth. Plus, I might need stitches, but wait. I just swallowed my spit... so... perfect. No cavities."
Day 16
eating ice cream Afton says, "I've got a burn freeze."
Day 17
Quote 1
Afton inconsolable after her 4 shots. Jack turns to her very concerned, "Darn it sister. Shots are no fun. But look at your cool bandaids. Does that make you smile?"
Afton responds with tears streaming down her face, "Jack, you don't understand. I'll NEVER walk again."

Jack: "Oh, darn it. I love you."
Quote 2
"Mom, since the boys are going on a boys night, can we have a pretty princess night?"

Day 18
Jack: "I'm a cowboy. Sister is a cowgirl. I have a horse named Flicka and I say 'Yeehaw.' Oh man. I'm a cowboy alright." He says this as we drive past Wayne Newton's house with all of the horses out front.
Day 19
Afton: "I have a booger collection."
Day 20
While I'm outside throwing away piles of broken glass from the picture frame that Jack boy kicked off the wall by playing soccer in the house, my children were inside saying their prayers before they ate their blueberry muffins. I hear Jack saying to Afton, "Bless Jesus and Katherine."
Made me tear up. I love them.

Day 21
"I just love my flowers and my daddy must really love me."
Day 22
After I got done styling Grandma Jones' hair, Afton has a look of concern and says, "Well, your friends are going to be REALLY scared of you."
Day 23
"Are we there yet?" every 5 minutes. Literally.
Jack excited to be out of the car, in St. George @ Chick-fil-a.
Day 24
"I love playing with Emily. Can we move to Utah?"
Day 25
Afton: "Mom! You won't believe it. I just saw a unicorn. A real live unicorn. I want one for my birthday and they must have them here in Utah."
Jack: "Uhhhh Mom. I want a unicorn tooooooooo!"
Afton: "OK mom? Just remember you can find up here by Uncle Todd's house. OK?"
Day 26
While sitting in sacrament at Spenca's farewell, Afton turns to me and says, "Mom, is Aunt Cindy crying yet?"
Day 27
Afton whispering to her ladybug, "Hey are you ok?" Then 2 minutes later, screaming, "Hey, are you ok? Why aren't you listening to me? You're going to go to timeout ladybug. (Turns to me and then continued) Mom, I sound just like you huh?"
Day 28
Jack who is still potty training, which means naked, shouts to his sister, "Let's have a sword fight!"
Day 29
Afton: "Does Heavenly Father live in the moon?"
Me: "No, he lives up in heaven. Some people say there is a man in the moon though."
Afton: "What? I thought Heavenly Father is like... You know. .. The MAN."

Day 30
"It's very important that I get ready for the charity ball tonight. We are throwing one to help puppy. He is really sick."
Day 31
Jack potty training. Running to the potty says, "Let's do this." Finished up with peeing and pooping in the potty and yells, "BOOOOOOOOOM!"
He gets a sucker every time he goes poop on the potty!

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