Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sunset Park is for the birds...

along with ducks... and geese!

I can't tell you how many times we have been to this park and fed these flying creatures, but I can tell you that every time we go,  my babies have so much fun! They are so excited when they eat their little piece of bread. "Mom, he got mine. I threw it right to him. He loved it too! His tummy is all full up!" They are so excited when they walk right up to them and look at them like, "Hey give me some of your bread right now or I'll peck your finger off." (Explanation from Afton of a humungous Goose's thoughts as he looked at her, as we drove home.) They are so excited to scream at the tops of their lungs at the disgusting pigeons who creep up trying to steal some food. "Get away pigeons! No one even likes you!" exclaims Jack.  Today was a special trip to Sunset Park because we got to play with our cousins! They were so excited to see James, Andrew, Brooke, and Aunt Stephanie.

 The Pond
The Playground
"Hold on Brooke, I have to take a picture! Cheese (In an irritated tone)"
"How do I do this?"
"Are you sure you just climb?"
"OK! Here I go!"

Thanks for the invite!
We love Sunset Park!

1 comment:

  1. That park looks awesome! I hope we can visit you guys sometime soon and you can show us where it is!
