Thursday, October 2, 2014


Afton and Jack came home from church last week all excited to get to work on their General Conference packets. (They were stoked about the Froot Loops attached.) I had to explain that they needed to save it until this weekend.

They were disappointed.

At the dollar store the next day, Jack saw some fun bunny, cheetah, and cat ears. He asked if they could have them and I thought, why not. But then an idea popped into my mind about how animals have a great sense of hearing, and how we really need to use our best hearing ears for conference. The kids had a packet to keep them busy, but would they REALLY be listening?

This only happens twice a year, and it's truly a blessing to hear our prophet, Thomas S. Monson speak. I wanted my children to really, I mean REALLY, be listening.

So, with the fun bunny, cheetahs, and cat ears, I decided to go with this idea of being "ALL EARS for the Prophet."

I made some animal ears for the babies to color and cut out. I would have them tape which ever pair of animal ears they wanted on to their laminated little girl or little boy face to help them hear the words of the Prophet.

Once we I had that stuff prepared, I was ready for FHE. 

To better build their background knowledge, I thought they might want to really see the amazing abilities that certain animals are blessed with in terms of their sense of hearing. I googled some great videos and we watched, intently. (Look at Jack's face and, tell me he's not intently listening.) Nature is awesome, by the way.

Afterwards, they colored/cut out their sheet of animal ears. While they were doing that, I talked about how when we hear these specific and important topics talked about during conference, they could stick one of these specific stickers on their face page too.  (Side note - I should have had these stickers made before hand because they were totally confused... my bad. Jack wanted to use Spiderman stickers. But, pretty sure that won't be discussed by the Prophet. Ha.)

Bunny and Giraffe Ears
I am going to print them and cut them for the babies. They'll each have their own little baggy of the picture clues and some tape for them to place on their laminated faces! 
(I tweeked this idea from a great website,

I bought a few extra pairs of ears and thought it would be nice to share them with a sweet family in our ward. We like to share, and my babies have encouraged me to share our FHE ideas with friends in the past, so why not on this occasion as well?

It was a fun lesson. Let's see if these extra ears really help us to be "ALL EARS for the Prophet."

Song we sang at the beginning.  We Listen to a Prophet's Voice

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